Hiuk Jae Shim




E - mail002823@nuist.edu.cn

  业:Image/video compression

  称:Associate professor




 Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Suwon, Korea

  Ph.D. – February 2013

 Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Suwon, Korea

  M.S. – February 2002

 Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Electronic Engineering, Suwon, Korea

  B.S. – February 2000


Research Experience

Exchange scholar (2016.06-2017.05, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

■ Research PostDoc (2013.03-2016.05, Digital Media Lab, Sungkyunkwan University)


IEEE member and also a member of the Institute of Electronic and Information Engineers, Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers, the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences   

A peer reviewer in EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, ACM ICUIMC, IEEE ICIP, IEEE ICME, and Korean journal papers, etc.

Research Interests


- Image/Video compression

- Video Coding Standards (such as H.264, H.265, etc.)

- Distributed Video Coding (or Distributed Source Coding)

- Compressed Sensing

- Data hiding or Digital Watermarking



Selected Papers

[1] B. Chen, M. Yu, Q. Su, H. J. Shim, Y. Shi, “Fractional Quaternion Zernike Moments for Robust Color Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection,” IEEE Access, Sep. 2018

[2] M. T. Ahvanooey, Q. Li and H. J. Shim,  A Comparative Analysis of Information Hiding Techniques for Copyright Protection of Text Documents, Security and Communication Networks, Apr. 2018

[3] K. Q. Dinh, H. J. Shim, and B. Jeon, “Small-Block Sensing and Larger-Block Recovery in Block-Based Compressive Sensing of Images,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 55, pp.10-22, Jul. 2017.

[4] H. Wu, L. Xiao, H. J. Shim, S. Tang, “Video stabilisation with total warping variation model,” IET Image Processing vol. 11, Issue 7, pp. 465 – 474, Jul. 2017.

[5] K. Q. Dinh, H. J. Shim, and B. Jeon, “Reliability-Based Deblocking Filter for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding,” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing 5(2), pp. 129-142, Apr. 2016.

[6] H. Lee, H. J. Shim, Y. Park and B. Jeon, “Early Skip Mode Decision for HEVC Encoder With Emphasis on Coding Quality,” IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, vol. 61, Issue 3, pp. 388-397, Sep. 2015.

[7] K. Q. Dinh, H. J. Shim and B. Jeon, “Weighted overlapped recovery for blocking artefacts reduction in block-based compressive sensing of images,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 51, Issue 1, pp. 48 – 50, Jan. 2015.