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  • Undergraduate

This program is based on the credit system. It intends to foster talents that have a proper foundation of science and art, a systematic understanding of eminent theories of the Digital Media Art, and that be competent to work or study on video games, web media, multimedia presentation, exhibition business and advertising etc.

Digital Media Art(3+1)
Semester 1
Introduction to Digital Media
Audio-Visual Language
Design Principles and Methods
Computer Basis
Higher Mathematics (1)
PE (1)
General Information About China (1)
Basic Chinese (1)
Enrollment Education

Semester 2
Introduction to Film and TV Technology
Software Tools
Digital Photography
Basic Chinese (2)
PE (2)
General Information About China (2)
C Language Program Design (1)

Semester 3
Web Design
Digital Audio Technology
CG Painting
Basic Chinese (3)
C Language Program Design (2)
3D Technology (1)

Semester 4
Computer Graphics
Introduction to Computer Networks
3D Technology (2)
Web UI Design
Modern Exhibition Technologies
Basic Chinese (4)

Semester 5
Virtual Reality Technology
Flash Interaction Design
3D Technology (3)
Web Programming
Game Engineering and Management
Architectural Animation

Semester 6
Website Development and Management
Game Design
Special Effects for Film and Television
3D Technology (4)
Digital Publication Design
Game Engine Applications

Semester 7
Digital Art Creation
Short Film Creation
Game Production
Website Production

Semester 8
Graduation Thesis
Production Practice
Graduation Appraisal