特邀法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)李肇新研究员和英国气象局Dr. Steven Turnock作学术报告——大气•风云讲坛(2023年第26期)

作者: 发布时间:2023-09-11 浏览量:1083



邀 请 人:赵海坤 教授

报告题目一:IPSL earth system model, current state and a few perspectives



1984年大学本科毕业,1985年入巴黎大学研究生院,1986年获硕士,1990年4月获博士学位。1991年进入法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS),任研究员,2002年获取巴黎第六大学颁发的博士导师资格,2006年晋升为资深研究员,在巴黎动力气象实验室 (LMD) 和拉普拉斯环境学院(IPSL)开展气候变化研究。主要研究方向包括 : 大气环流及其模拟;海气耦合模拟;气候灵敏度、气候变化及影响;全球气候和区域气候的尺度转换;极端事件诊断分析。发表论文200余篇。与国内多家研究机构有合作经历和经验,包括中科院大气所、中国气象局、国家海洋局一所、南京信息工程大学大气科学学院、北京大学城市与环境学院等。特别是从2007年开始被聘为中国气象局特聘专家,对国家气候中心气候系统模式的研发和应用进行科学指导和技术协调。2011年开始兼任南京信息工程大学非全时教授。

报告题目二:Emissions, Air Quality and Climate

报告专家:Dr. Steven Turnock


Steven Turnock undertook his PhD at the University of Leeds on the effect of changes in anthropogenic emissions on atmospheric aerosols, air quality and climate over the latter half of the 20th Century. Prior to his PhD he had various roles working in the private sector covering different environmental issues including local air quality and waste management. Since completing PhD in 2016 he has been working within the Earth System and Mitigation Science team of the Met Office Hadley Centre where he uses coupled global composition climate models to investigate the interaction of short lived climate forcers within the Earth system.


Mitigation measures to improve air quality and climate are inherently interlinked, as changes to Near Term Climate Forcers, such as tropospheric ozone and aerosols, impact both atmospheric pollution abundances and climate. The impacts of NTCFs on climate offer the opportunity for developing emission mitigation strategies that have co-benefits for air quality improvement and climate change mitigation, although these interactions are often not well understood. Here, I will present on recent work that I have been involved in that uses both simple parametric and complex Earth system models to assess the impact from different emission mitigation strategies on both past and future air pollutants.




