特邀澳大利亚Monash大学Dietmar Dommenget教授来校作学术报告——大气•风云讲坛(2023年第27期)

作者:协同中心 发布时间:2023-09-14 浏览量:533

报告题目:The El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Mystery of the Tropical Pacific

报告专家:Dietmar Dommenget 教授



主持人:罗京佳 教授


Dietmar Dommonget博士是澳大利亚Monash大学地球大气和环境学院终身教授,长期从事ENSO动力学研究,深入分析了ENSO时空演变的非线性,同时在气候系统与气候变化等方面研究成果卓越。其研究成果很多发表在《Nature》、《Science》、《Nature Climate Change》等高影响因子期刊上,目前累计发表SCI论文近100篇,总被引量近7000次。现担任《Journal of Climate》期刊编辑。


The El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most important mode of natural climate variability. Its dynamics, characteristics and future climate change are complex and the focus of some of the on going research. This talk will present some of the current areas of ENSO research. It will illustrate interesting dynamics that ENSO shows and illustrate some of the open questions. ENSO is further related to interactions with the other ocean basins that contribute to the complexity of ENSO. Finally, the observed tropical Pacific mean state changes are mark by a strong La Nina like pattern, with a near absence of any warming in the last 40yrs. This is in strong contrast to CMIP model projects and is likely to present the first substantial failure of large-scale CMIP model projections. Thus, it suggests that CMIP model are fundamentally biased in their projections of tropical Pacific mean state changes. The talk will discuss to what extend understanding ENSO dynamics may help in understanding this unusual development.





