特邀澳大利亚Monash大学Dietmar Dommenget教授来校作第二场学术报告——大气•风云讲坛(2023年第28期)

作者:协同中心 发布时间:2023-09-15 浏览量:549

报告题目:The Monash Simple Climate Model: a Climate Model for Education and Outreach

报告专家:Dietmar Dommenget 教授



主持人:虞越越 教授


Dietmar Dommonget博士是澳大利亚Monash大学地球大气和环境学院终身教授,长期从事ENSO动力学研究,深入分析了ENSO时空演变的非线性,同时在气候系统与气候变化等方面研究成果卓越。其研究成果很多发表在《Nature》、《Science》、《Nature Climate Change》等高影响因子期刊上,目前累计发表SCI论文近100篇,总被引量近7000次。现担任《Journal of Climate》期刊编辑。


This talk will introduce the Monash Simple Climate Model (MSCM). The MSCM is a webpage that allows students and researchers to interactively play around with a climate model. The MSCM simulations are based on the Globally Resolved Energy Balance (GREB) model to study three different aspects of climate model simulations: (1) understanding processes that control the mean climate, (2) the response of the climate to a doubling of the CO2 concentration, and (3) scenarios of external forcing (CO2 concentration and solar radiation). A series of sensitivity experiments in which elements of the climate system are turned off in various combinations are used to address (1) and (2). This database currently provides more than 1300 experiments and has an online web interface for fast analysis and free access to the data. The talk will give a tour through the webpages and offers the audience to try-out the MSCM themselves during the presentation (bring a tablet or computer). The NUIST community is also invited to create a local server for the MSCM and to develop a translation into the Chinese language for a better outreach into the Chinese community.          





