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Mainframe Room is under construction



On the morning of August 2, Prof. Li Lianshui, President of NUIST, went to the construction site to promote the construction of  Network Information Center, the Central Office (referred to as the "central engine room") transformation, accompanied by Wu Zhongning, the Director of the President's Office.
At the construction site of the second generation Library, Li Lianshui carefully reviewed the construction details, and expressed his gratitude for everyone's hard work, and listened attentively to the reports of Xingxia Hua, the Assistant to the President, Director of  Laboratory and Equipment Management Division from time to time about the center room construction progress situation. Li Lianshui said that the center room is not only used as a matter of school discipline, but also about the international influence of the school schedule, so the shelf life to complete the building is essential.
Finally, President Li empharsized that the center room should be put into operation by August 20.